Item Code: Books_201204039
The World Of Anne Frank
Anne Frank was 13 years old when she began her remarkable diary, documenting her two years in hiding from the Nazis in Amsterdams 'Secret Anexr'. Thanks to this, millions around the world feel they know this vivacious and courageous teenager. But Anne Franks life was part of a much bigger context, as this unique book reveals. Encompassing Germanys Great Depression of 1929 (the year of Anne Franks birth), Hitlers coming to power in 1933, the Occupation of the Netherlands, the war that raged through Europe and the rest of the world, and the final Allied victory - this book brings the story of Anne Frank to life by setting it in its historical perspective. Anne Frank died at the age of fifteen in Bergen-Belsen concentration, in the Holocaust because they were Jewish. Their deaths show how racial prejudice leads to violence and destruction, yet prejudice is still rife throughout the world today. Of the seven people who hid with Anne Frank in the Annexe, only one her father survived the war. Taken from his family photograph albums, the archives of the Anne Frank House and the news agencies throughout Europe, the book shows the pictures can indeed tell a story more eloquently than words.
Anne Frank is best remembered for her diary which she kept during her hiding in a sealed off room in Amsterdam. This was published in 1947 and as a martyr to the Nazi regime, she has been commemorated in the names of villages and schools for refugee children.
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